This brand new flooring is an effect of long research on ageing the wood in order to get natural look of very old timber. Beautiful deep grain and colors that were chosen for Dune flooring are characteristic for antique oak which was so far remarkable. Experience in the matter of antique timber and flooring production allowed us to develop own way on ageing the timber for both solid wood and engineered flooring. Starting with very careful selection of the oak and the way of cutting to reveal natural beauty of it in further processing which includes physical and chemical treatment for both texture and color. The Dune flooring is unique not only between other floor boarding, every single plank of Dune is unique due to process that have been applied manually by experienced carpenter who can give planks treatment suitable for this particular piece of wood. Just like it happens in natural environment. All of that makes Dune flooring a very high quality, reliable product. Extraordinary look of this floor will give every room warmth of the wood and luxuriousness of the noble Oak.